A study on the impact of PPE on a simulated fire ground test.Read More
Heart Rate Variability, Risk-Taking Behavior and Resilience in Firefighters During a Simulated Extinguish-Fire Task
A study on the link between cardiac response and mental stress.Read More
Exercise-Induced Premature Ventricular Contractions Are Associated With Myocardial Ischemia Among Asymptomatic Adult Male Firefighters
A study on the link between EI-PVCs and myocardial ischemia in firefighters.Read More
Female firefighters thermoregulation and health
A research report on the effects of heat on female firefighters.Read More
Changes in Firefighter Weight and Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors over Five Years
A study on changes in heart disease risk factors in firefighters who lost weight.Read More
What do Firefighting Ability Tests Tell Us About Firefighter Physical Fitness?
A study that reviewed past research on the link between fitness tests and firefighting physical ability tests.Read More
Physical training in the fire station and firefighters’ cardiovascular health
A study that compared the physical activity and cardiovascular health of Quebec firefighters who trained in the fire station vs. those who did not train.Read More
Efficacy of a Goal Setting and Implementation Planning Intervention on Firefighters’ Cardiorespiratory Fitness
A study that evaluated whether an intervention improved cardiovascular fitness in firefighters.Read More
Training Implications for Firefighters through Objective Measurement of the Physiological Demands of Firefighter Job Tasks
A study that measured the different cardiorespiratory demands of firefighting tasks.Read More
Occupationally Tailored, Web-based, Nutrition and Physical Activity Program for Firefighters
A study of an online health and wellness program's impact on weight loss in firefighters.Read More
Identifying physiological response to calls experienced during 24-hour shifts among Thunder Bay Fire Rescue firefighters
A pilot study on firefighters' cardio and respiratory responses to calls during a 24-hour shift.Read More
The relationship between physical fitness and occupational injury in emergency responders
A review of previously published studies on the link between fitness and injury risk in first responders. Read More