We wanted to know if the Zephyr BioHarness would provide reliable breathing rates when worn by males and females of different ages while doing a fitness test.Read More
Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors and Physical Fitness in Volunteer Firefighters
A study that examined volunteer firefighters' cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular endurance, and risks for developing heart disease.Read More
Emerging Health and Safety Issues Among Women in the Fire Service
A report that details previous research and makes recommendations that address female firefighters' health and safety issues.Read More
Career Firefighters’ Real-Time Physiological Response to Firefighting Tasks Over 6 Months
A study on firefighters' real-time cardiovascular and respiratory responses to a hose drag and patient lift.Read More
Women Firefighters’ Health and Well-Being: An International Survey
An international survey of women firefighters' health and work life concerns.Read More
The effects of exercise interventions on health and fitness of firefighters
A study that combined the results of 7 randomized controlled trials on exercise training (aerobic, resistance, or combined) in firefighters.Read More
Sleep, Obesity, and Injury Among US Male Career Firefighters
A study that explored how body composition affects the relationship between sleep and on-duty injury.Read More
The Relation of Emergency Duties to Cardiac Death Among US Firefighters
A study on the pathoanatomic findings of firefighters who died of cardiac causes during firefighting.Read More
The Impact of Firefighter Physical Fitness on Job Performance
A narrative review that describes the research on the physiological stress experienced during firefighting.Read More
Nonfatal Injuries to Firefighters Treated in U.S. Emergency Departments, 2003-2014
A study on the characteristics of nonfatal injuries sustained by U.S. firefighters on the job.Read More
Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors in Québec Male & Female Firefighters
A survey study on the prevalence of heart disease risk factors and symptoms in Québec male and female firefighters.Read More
Characteristics and Predictors of Occupational Injury Among Career Firefighters
A survey study on the characteristics of work-related injuries reported by U.S. career firefighters.Read More