A survey study on the impact of the level and types of trauma exposure on the development of mental health problems in an Australian volunteer fire service.
Read MoreVideo-based Movement analysis for Occupationally Valid Evaluation (MOVE) to model firefighter lower extremity postures during a lift task

A study that used video software to analyze firefighters' hip and knee movements while lifting a high-rise pack.
Read MoreAssociation Between Push-up Exercise Capacity and Future Cardiovascular Events Among Active Adult Men
A study on the potential use of a push-up test to assess heart disease risk in firefighters.
Read MoreDifferences in disability management outcomes in first responders compared to high and low physical demand workers

A study on the differences between injured first responders versus high or low physical demand workers in days off work, types of injury/illness, types of duty, and claim duration.
Read MoreFirefighter hood contamination: Efficiency of laundering to remove PAHs and FRs
A study on the effectiveness of washing firefighter hoods to remove toxic chemicals.
Read MoreA systematic review of the measurement properties of Dartfish (video-based) two-dimensional movement analysis

A review of the evidence of the reliability and validity of Dartfish's video-based movement analyses.
Read MoreFirefighter fatalities: crude mortality rates and risk factors for line of duty injury and death
A study on the factors that increase U.S. firefighters' risks for line of duty injury and deaths.
Read MoreIdentifying predictors of return to work and the duration of time off work in first responders affected with musculoskeletal or mental health injuries

We wanted to know what factors predicted when first responders with injury claims returned to work.
Read MoreThe Invisible Danger of Transferring Toxins with Bunker Gear
A pilot study on an intervention designed to improve firefighters' attitudes towards cleaning their gear after firefighting.
Read MoreThe Impact of Firefighter Physical Fitness on Job Performance
A narrative review that describes the research on the physiological stress experienced during firefighting.
Read MoreExposure to a firefighting overhaul environment without respiratory protection increases immune dysregulation and lung disease risk
An animal study that used a mouse model to study toxic exposures during overhaul activities.
Read MoreExposure to suicide and suicide bereavement among women firefighters
A study on how suicide exposures are associated with suicide risks and psychiatric symptoms in U.S. women firefighters.
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