A study of cancer risks in Ontario firefighters.Read More
Firefighting and melanoma, epidemiological and toxicological associations: a case report
A case report of a firefighter with melanoma and history of 33 years of occupational exposure.Read More
Health risks and mitigation strategies from occupational exposure to wildland fire: a scoping review.
A review of the published studies on the health impacts associated with wildland firefighting.Read More
Characterizing exposure to benzene, toluene, and naphthalene in firefighters wearing different types of new or laundered PPE
A study on how different hood designs and laundering of PPE affects firefighters' exposures to toxins.Read More
Off-Gassing of Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds from Fire-Fighters’ Uniforms in Private Vehicles-A Pilot Study
A study that assessed if toxic chemicals were released by firefighter uniforms left in private vehicles.Read More
Cancer incidence in sites potentially related to occupational exposures: 58 years of follow-up of firefighters in the Norwegian Fire Departments Cohort.
A study on the rate of cancer cases in Norwegian firefighters.Read More
Perceptions of Work-Related Health and Cancer Risks Among Women Firefighters
A qualitative study on U.S. women firefighters' experiences, perceptions of cancer, health, and safety risks in the fire service. Read More
Exposure to Particulate Matter and Estimation of Volatile Organic Compounds across Wildland Firefighter Job Tasks
A study of toxic exposures in wildland firefighting.Read More
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, epigenetic age and DNA methylation: a cross-sectional study of firefighters
A study that measured the concentrations of PFASs in blood samples from firefighters.Read More
Early detection of prostate cancer in firefighters: a register-based study of prognostic factors and survival
A study of age at diagnosis and prognostic factors in Norwegian firefighters with prostate cancer.Read More
Firefighter exposures to potential endocrine disrupting chemicals measured by military-style silicone dog tags
A study on the use of silicone dog tags to assess pEDC exposures in firefighters.Read More
Associations between polyfluoroalkyl substance and organophosphate flame retardant exposures and telomere length in a cohort of women firefighters and office workers in San Francisco
A study of toxic exposures in San Francisco female firefighters.Read More