A study on dietary patterns and how they relate to cardiometabolic outcomes in U.S. firefighters.
Read MoreFeasibility and Perception of a Diet and Exercise Intervention Delivered via Telehealth to Firefighters
A study on the feasibility of a virtual exercise and diet program for firefighters.
Read MorePsychosocial barriers and facilitators for a successful return to work following injury within firefighters
A study that explored U.K. firefighters' experiences during recovery from injury.
Read MoreCarcinogenicity of occupational exposure as a firefighter
A summary of the evaluation of occupational exposure as a firefighter being classified as carcinogenic to humans (Group 1).
Read MoreRepeat measures of DNA methylation in an inception cohort of firefighters
A study that profiled DNA methylation changes in new firefighters.
Read MoreFeasibility, Acceptability, and Preliminary Efficacy of an App-Based Meditation Intervention to Decrease Firefighter Psychological Distress and Burnout: A One-Group Pilot Study
A pilot study on the feasibility of using a meditation app to support firefighters' mental health.
Read MoreCooling strategies for firefighters: Effects on physiological, physical, and visuo-motor outcomes following fire-fighting tasks in the heat.
A study on different ways of reducing firefighters' core temperatures.
Read MoreThe mental health and wellbeing of spouses, partners and children of emergency responders: A systematic review
A systematic review that assessed the mental health of of emergency responders' families.
Read MoreRespiratory Outcomes of Firefighter Exposures in the Fort McMurray Fire: A Cohort Study From Alberta Canada
A study on the respiratory health of Fort McMurray firefighters.
Read MoreExploring Canadian Career Firefighters’ Understanding of the Return-to-Work Process after Musculoskeletal Injuries [VIDEO]
A qualitative study of the return-to-work process for Canadian career firefighters with musculoskeletal injuries.
Read MoreFemale Firefighter Work-Related Injuries in the United States and Canada: An Overview of Survey Responses.
A survey study of occupational injuries in female firefighters in the U.S. and Canada.
Read MoreExercise and Occupational Stress among Firefighters
A survey study on the link between exercise and work stress in Cyprus professional firefighters.
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