A study on which body composition methods correlates best with cardiorespiratory fitness in firefighters.
Read MoreSleep quality and sleep disturbances among volunteer and professional French firefighters: FIRESLEEP study
A study on self-reported sleep quality and sleep disturbance in French firefighters.
Read MoreHippocampal cerebral blood flow increased following low-pressure hyperbaric oxygenation in firefighters with mild traumatic brain injury and emotional distress
A study on the effect of hyperbaric oxygenation on limbic blood flow in firefighters with mild brain injuries and emotional distress
Read MoreSupporting Firefighter Mental Health During Covid-19: A Scoping Review
A review of published studies on strategies to manage firefighter mental health.
Read MoreEvaluation of fireground exposures using urinary PAH metabolites
A study on exposures based on fire response role and self-reported exposure risks.
Read MoreWildland firefighter exposure to smoke and COVID-19: A new risk on the fire line
A review of how wildland fire smoke may influence the risk of COVID-19 infection and severity of the illness.
Read MoreCross-jurisdiction and contextual evaluations of mental health resiliency training in firefighters [Video]
Dr. MacDermid and Captain Fraser discuss the challenges of delivering mental health resiliency training in 2 different fire services, and what worked for successful program implementation.
Read MoreIdentifying the impact of formal and informal critical incident interventions on firefighters’ exposure to posttraumatic stress injury in a Northwestern Ontario fire service [Video]
Dr. Sinden and Firefighter Bolduc discuss the burden of critical incident exposure and post-traumatic stress injury risk in Thunder Bay firefighters, and the impact of being a Critical Incident Response Team member.
Read MorePer- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and total fluorine in fire station dust
A study on potential sources of PFAS inside fire stations.
Read MoreA Cross-Sectional Examination of 10-year Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease Risk Among US Firefighters by Age and Weight Status
A study on the risk factors associated with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease in U.S. firefighters.
Read MoreRecovery Sleep versus Emotion Regulation in Predicting Fire Service Shift Workers Stress, Fatigue and Irritability
A study on the relationship between sleep and emotion regulation and mental health issues.
Read MoreComparing cancer risk estimates using occupational record linkage approaches in male Florida firefighters
A study that identified cancer cases in male Florida firefighters.
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