Dr. Joy MacDermid (FIREWELL Scientific Director) discusses the development of a new tool, the Firefighter Work Limitations Questionnaire, that is designed to assess the impact of health problems on firefighters' ability to do their work roles.
Read MorePsychological Variables Associated With Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Firefighters: A Systematic Review
A review of the risk and protective factors of PTSD in firefighters.
Read MoreInterstitial Lung Disease in Firefighters: An Emerging Occupational Hazard
A study of the Interstitial Lung Disease subtypes found in firefighters.
Read MoreCharacterizing firefighter’s exposure to over 130 SVOCs using silicone wristbands: A pilot study comparing on-duty and off-duty exposures
A study on the use of silicone wristbands to measure firefighters' chemical exposures.
Read MoreImpact of Firefighting Aqueous Film-Forming Foams on Human Cell Proliferation and Cellular Mortality
A study of the toxic effects of Aqueous Film-Forming Foams in human-derived kidney cells.
Read MoreAssociation Between Atrial Fibrillation and Occupational Exposure in Firefighters Based on Self-Reported Survey Data
A study on the link between atrial fibrillation and fire exposures in U.S. firefighters.
Read MoreSupporting Volunteer Firefighter Well-Being: Lessons from the Australian “Black Summer” Bushfires
A qualitative study on the impacts of the Black Bush fires on volunteer firefighters' mental health.
Read MoreCanadian Career Firefighters’ Concerns Regarding Musculoskeletal Health Prevention and Priorities [Video]
A qualitative study on Canadian career firefighters' musculoskeletal health experiences and concerns.
Read MoreRelationship Between Physical Activity, Coronary Artery Disease Risk Factors and Musculoskeletal Injuries in the City of Cape Town Fire and Rescue Service
A study on physical activity habits, musculoskeletal injuries and coronary artery disease risk factors in South African firefighters.
Read MoreEffect of Plasma and Blood Donations on Levels of Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Firefighters in Australia
A study on plasma or blood removal as a strategy for reducing serum PFAS levels in Australian firefighters.
Read MoreChronic Pain in Spanish Wildland Firefighters
A study of the prevalence of chronic pain in Spanish wildland firefighters.
Read MoreInsular activation and functional connectivity in firefighters with post-traumatic stress disorder
A study on brain activation in Korean firefighters with and without PTSD.
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