Congratulations to Dr. Nick Carleton (University of Regina) and the Canadian Institute for Public Safety and Research and Treatment (CIPSRT) for receiving $30 million of federal funding to support public safety personnel’s mental health!
From CIPSRT’s media release:
“The University of Regina’s Canadian Institute for Public Safety Research and Treatment (CIPSRT) is leading a pan-Canadian consortium that is receiving $30 million over 5 years from the federal government to address first responders’ and public safety personnel’s mental health concerns.
The funding is being allocated to two separate initiatives:
– $20 million over five years to support a new national research consortium between the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and CIPSRT. This new consortium will work to address the incidence of post-traumatic stress injuries among public safety personnel.
-$10 million over 5 years for Public Safety Canada to work with CIPSRT to develop an Internet-based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy pilot as a means of providing greater access to care and treatment for public safety personnel across Canada. This will help address barriers to obtaining access to mental health supports for public safety personnel in rural and remote areas.”
Media Coverage:
University of Regina led pan-Canadian consortium receives $30 million in federal funding to support public safety personnel’s mental health (University of Regina)
Federal government announces $30M for mental health initiatives for public safety workers (CBC News Saskatchewan)
Millions in federal funding for post-traumatic stress injury research (Regina Leader-Post)