Frequently Asked Questions

If the FAQs do not cover your questions, please contact us.


FIREWELL is the Firefighter Illness Remediation-Enterprise Work-accommodations for Enabled Life and Livelihood. Our goal is to develop tools that can be used by firefighters to help them perform tasks differently to reduce risk of injury and facilitate safe return to work.


Who is part of FIREWELL?

The FIREWELL team includes firefighters, researchers, health professionals, and disability managers from across Canada who are working together to understand firefighters’ unique work environment and ability to do their job.


Why is FIREWELL important?

An important part of injury prevention is workplace accommodation and return-to-work. Employer and health providers may not understand how to return active firefighters to duty. The FIREWELL team is working together with all relevant stakeholders to ensure these unique challenges are being addressed.


Who created the FIREWELL website?

The FIREWELL website was created by team of firefighters and researchers with the support of a grant from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.


Who can register for an account on the FIREWELL website?

At this time, the FIREWELL website is only accessible to the firefighters in the Hamilton Fire Service. If you are a Hamilton firefighter, you will need to obtain an access code from your supervisor to register for an account.


What information can I find on the FIREWELL website?

The FIREWELL website offers:
