The FIREWELL Coordinating Centre will be closed from December 20 to January 2. We will respond to inquiries when we re-open on January 3, 2020. Read More
The latest news and events on firefighting. Do you have something to promote? Let us know about news or events related to firefighter safety and health.
The FIREWELL Coordinating Centre will be closed from December 20 to January 2. We will respond to inquiries when we re-open on January 3, 2020. Read More
The December issue of The Dispatch is now available. In this issue: - A decade of FIREWELL - Firefighters' musculoskeletal and mental health research priorities - Research on critical incident exposures; toxic exposures; physiological demands of firefighting To read newsletter:Read More
Robin Campbell's (PhD candidate, Dalhousie University) doctoral research on how the occupational environments affect the mental health of Nova Scotia volunteer firefighters was featured on multiple media outlets. News Article Dalhousie researcher examines trauma experienced by volunteer firefighters (Halifax Today,Read More
Fire Service Women Ontario has launched the next phase of their research on gender-based barriers in Ontario's fire services. Any level, division, or gender in the Ontario fire service (career or volunteer) is invited to complete a web-based survey onRead More
The November issue of The Dispatch is now available. In this issue: - FIREWELL members' academic achievements - A new study on working in the Ontario fire service - Research on occupational stress; anxiety and learning; musculoskeletal injuries; and aRead More
Congratulations to Jennifer Keir for passing her PhD qualifying exam! She is now a PhD candidate at the University of Ottawa. Jennifer's doctoral research titled, "Occupational Exposures of Firefighters to Combustion-derived Mutagens and Carcinogens", is investigating: (1) firefighters' exposures toRead More
Congratulations to Drs. Nick Carleton (CIPSRT Scientific Director) and Joy MacDermid (FIREWELL Director) who were welcomed into the Royal Society of Canada (RSC) in Ottawa on Nov 22. Dr. Nick Carleton was presented as a Member of the RSC CollegeRead More
Robin Campbell (PhD candidate) was interviewed about her doctoral thesis, Sound the Siren, which will study how the occupational environments affect the mental health of volunteer firefighters in Nova Scotia. To read the Dalhousie Faculty of Health News article: clickRead More
The October issue of The Dispatch is now available. In this issue: – firefighter and academic conference presentations – mental health research on trauma, suicide – toxic exposures To read newsletter: click here To view newsletter archive: click here SubscribeRead More
Congratulations to Robin Campbell (PhD candidate, Dalhousie University) who received the Mental Health Research Award at the CIMVHR Forum 2019 (Ottawa) for her podium presentation titled, "After the Alarm: Navigating community assets to cope with occupational stress." After the AlarmRead More
Dr. Amanda Brazil will be presenting at the 6th Annual Helping the Helpers: Awareness and Education Day For Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder on October 26, 2019 at Antigonish, Nova Scotia. Read More
FIREWELL members and trainees will be presenting their firefighter research at the 10th Annual Canadian Institute for Military and Veteran Health Research (CIMVHR) Forum on Oct 21-23, 2019 in Ottawa-Gatineau. Podium Presentations Ms. Robin Campbell: After the Alarm: Navigating communityRead More
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