The July issue of The Dispatch is now available. In this issue: - mental health - female firefighter health - biomonitoring - cardiovascular health To read newsletter: click here To view newsletter archive: click here Subscribe to The Dispatch belowRead More
News & Events
The latest news and events on firefighting. Do you have something to promote? Let us know about news or events related to firefighter safety and health.
Margaret Lomotan receives 15 Years of Service Award from McMaster University
Congratulations to Margaret Lomotan (FIREWELL Research Manager) for being recognized with a 15 Years of Service Award by McMaster University! Margaret has over a decade of experience working with firefighters and research project coordination. She has been involved with FIREWELLRead More
New Report (Initial Findings): Supporting Firefighter Mental Health During Covid-19: A Scoping Review
The preliminary findings from "Supporting Firefighter Mental Health During Covid-19: A Scoping Review" (Lead: Dr. Kathryn Sinden) are now available on the new COVID-19 Mental Health Research website. To read lay summary: click here To read initial knowledge synthesis report:Read More
The Dispatch: June 2020
The June issue of The Dispatch is now available. In this issue: - media interviews on firefighter mental and physical health research - trainee award - new research on: concussions; measuring chemical exposures; fitness; organizational work factors and mental health.Read More
In the Media: Dr. Kathryn Sinden’s new study on mental health and COVID-19
Dr. Kathryn Sinden (Lakehead University) spoke to CBC News, TB Newswatch, and Firefighting in Canada about her CIHR-funded study--a knowledge synthesis of mental health resources and supports for firefighters during the pandemic. To read study summary: click here TB NewswatchRead More
In the Media: Dr. Joy MacDermid discussed MSK injury study on Fire Fighting in Canada
Dr. Joy MacDermid discussed the findings of the FIREWELL study, Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Disorders Among Canadian Firefighters. A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, on Fire Fighting in Canada This Week (June 5 2020). Read More
Shannon Killip awarded an Ontario Graduate Scholarship
Congratulations to Shannon Killip (PhD candidate) on receiving an Ontario Graduate Scholarship for the 2020-2021 academic year! Shannon is conducting her doctoral research, The development of disability management guidelines tailored to injured firefighters, under Dr. Joy MacDermid's supervision at McMasterRead More
The Dispatch: May 2020
The May issue of The Dispatch is now available. In this issue: - a mental heath webinar - successful grants - new research on: musculoskeletal injuries, decon methods, job stress, physical training To read newsletter: click here To view newsletterRead More
FIREWELL members to present at the Firefighter Mental Health Webinar
Dr. Amanda Brazil (Centre for Health and Community Research, University of Prince Edward Island), Robin Campbell (PhD candidate, Dalhousie University), and Nick Halmasy (After the Call, Clinical Practitioner) will be participating as panelists at the Firefighter Mental Health and WellnessRead More
Dr. Kathryn Sinden awarded a CIHR Knowledge Synthesis Grant
Congratulations to Drs. Kathryn Sinden (Principal Investigator, Lakehead University) and Joy MacDermid (Co-Investigator, Western University) for receiving funding for the project, Protecting those who protect us: An evaluation and synthesis of resources deployed to support firefighter mental health during COVID-19,Read More
Dr. Michael Williams-Bell awarded NSERC CCSIF grant
Congratulations to Dr. Michael Williams-Bell (Durham College) for receiving a 3-year grant for the project: Enriching firefighter training through the development of a novel virtual reality training simulation for personalized, precision skill and resilience training. This study is funded byRead More
In the Media: Chris Ross spoke to Global News about the pandemic’s impact on Montreal firefighters
Chris Ross (President, Montreal Firefighters Association) discusses how Montreal firefighters are dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic in a 4-min video interview with Global News. Read More